ゴロゴロ覚える古文単語 - 高校受験用 古典勉強アプリ

by Taro Horiguchi



Lets learn the ancient words that frequently appear in high school entrance exams with the app. I will remember it by punting. It is an entrance examination preparation application for junior high school students. Rest assured that all functions are free.

このアプリは高校受験用の古文単語学習アプリです。学習する単語は全部で80単語。これを8日間かけて覚える内容になっています。自分の学力を試すテストはもちろん、10点満点の小テストもありますので、いつでも自分の実力を簡単に把握することが出来ます。語呂合わせで覚える。だから忘れない。===【こんな人におすすめ】古文単語を勉強したい人古文単語を沢山暗記したい人古文を得意にしたい人高校受験をする人私立受験も考えている人無料で学習したい人無料で古文単語を勉強したい人人気の学習アプリを探している人ゴロゴが好きな人語呂合わせが好きな人中学生の人ゲーム感覚で勉強を楽しみたい人This app is an old language word learning app for high school exams.A total of 80 words to learn.It takes over 8 days to remember this.There is a test that tests your academic ability, as well as a 10-point test, so you can easily grasp your skills anytime.I will remember in the word 呂. So I will not forget.===[Recommended for such people]Person who wants to study old sentence wordThose who want to memorize a lot of old language wordsSomeone who wants to be good at ancient writingsPerson who takes high school examPerson who thinks about private examinationThose who want to learn for freePeople who want to study old language words for freeSomeone looking for a popular learning appPeople who like GorogoPeople who like to matchJunior high school studentSomeone who wants to enjoy studying like a game軽微な修正をしました。